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Thursday 28 February 2013

New poll

Hey cho-girls and cho-boys I have posted a blog if you don't mind please take a look its on the side ----> so yeah its a poll about should I become journalist next month or not the votes so far are defiantly and your choice so please vote I don't mind any negatives :D xxx



Look like gifting for juniors is coming back... chobots did a poll and 244 said yes and 42 said no, I voted for yes so I hope you guys enjoy gifting and trading :) but please remember no scamming or you never know the privilege might be taken away.

have a nice day c:


Arcade contest winners

The winners have been seletected well done to everyone who tried there best and got involved but picked the 1st in place people and the 2nd in place people so heres the winners below :)

Asteroids: 1st place Newy82, In 2nd place is Sorry

Cho-board: 1st place Darkwarrior, In 2nd place is Silvermoon

Cho-ball: 1st place Smiley, In 2nd place is Wolfyy

The Mechanical Crab: 1st place Charliesides, In 2nd place is Skater

Robo factory: 1st place is Monzter, In 2nd place is Brokendiary12

1st place wins: 5 days of citizenship,1st place medal, 5000 bugs
2nd place wins: 2nd place medal,4000 bugs and 4 days of citizenship

Congratz to everyone who won if you didn't win try again next time ;) xx



At the moment there is so much lagg on chobots you carn't evan get on that much it takes 5 minutes on my laptop to log in and go anywhere wow! so if your experiencing this as well don't worry it shall be gone soon hopefully :D


Wednesday 27 February 2013

Harlem shake

Harlem shake made by me and princesstilly I hope you enjoy please subscribe comment and like if you want :D I hope you like it maybe make one of your own it took me 30 minutes because of editing to get it right but, have a go? xx


Tuesday 26 February 2013

R.I.P Koiz

R.I.P Koiz my little cute pet purple blue and more blue and pink and one eye.. aww I miss you,you was so great to me.. I was great to you.. But thanks to the nichos we ran out of food and you ran away if your reading this (I highly doubt) please come back I miss you I didn't mean to miss treat you please...

I have contacted support to see what they can do I hope she comes back <3 xx



We have peace at last but wait... theres more nichos might be planning something else so don't think its over yet because there is possibly more coming our way :'( at the moment my pet is starving and about to die... so everyone stock up your pets food and lots more of stuff just incase it happens again.

Have fun out there xx

Monday 25 February 2013

Nicho party tonight

Nicho party tonight we have took over the world mwhahahahahahahaha if you dont go to the party well your in trouble so go go go the "nicho" time will be 8:30 it will rain rare items so be there if you know whats best for you ;)

Be there or else

-Nicho s.s

Nicho world!

It looks like we failed our war sorry.. Hang on a minute I swear we didn't evan have war arggghh this isen't over nichos you will die and we will never ever ever ever trust you again :'( everyone lets try getting chobots back before it turns into  :O

 :'( my blog is being taken over by nichos soon watch out!


Nichos are ugly and smelly!

... well who likes my "amazing drawing" I really really really hope the nichos go away come back another day (Like when no one is around so you carn't annoy them aha) :) my art work of a smelly and ugly nicho look what happend to me I turned Nicho nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo help help please  :'(


Sunday 24 February 2013

Game night winners

The game night winners are:
  •   Asteroid: Ubuntu
       Cho Board: Darkwarrior
        Cho Ball: Waash17
        Crab War: Dizzymckirby7777
        Robo Factory: Monzter
        Sweet Battle: Enhance
        Palm Painting: Malinki
        Nicho Racer: Awesomez1
        Garbage Collector: Venii39
       Space Racer: Markl77
        Rope Pull: Comebackiid
       Sliders: Eathan
        Checkers: Plinfalie
        Chess: Chobito
        Cow Mission: Sheko
       Coin Rain: Charlotta
you guys won lots of items I hope you enjoy them :)


Arcade games

Go quick before time runs out it ends in 3 days it started on 23/2/13 and finishes on the 26/2/13 so go go go


My drawings for the graffiti competion


My beach,Cookie monster and the man in the rain I hope you like them :)


Random party with Koiz

That party was fun :D there is more partys on the way apparently :) xx


Saturday 23 February 2013

Coliflower art work

This amazing art work is a picture of Nyan cat made by coliflower it was a entry for the Graffiti contest.. its really nice it looks so effective :)



Thursday 21 February 2013

Koiz my little pet

My pet is called koiz look at where he is :O


Nichos are back!!!

Nichos are back they took the statue from the park and last night they took Blik :'( and a couple days ago they took Sheri and max :O we need to get them back.... This Is SPARTTTTTTAAAA!!!


Party :D

party :D it was awesome it rained rare stuff and I was happy but others asked for more rain.. they were pretending they didn't know the rules thats why its a age 0 party! No it wern't it was a theamed party please be grateful for what they did...

theres gonna be another party on monday :D


Wednesday 20 February 2013

0 years old party

Lets pretend your 0 again ok well.. Impossible but you know what chobots mean dress like you are 0 (the clothes you first got when you joined chobots) if you don't have those clothes anymore buy some at the shop like the clothes below!

party in 1 hour and 30 minutes :D get ready to party <3 xx


Tuesday 19 February 2013

How is this possible

diffrent hair styles? hmm.. thats so werid but I love the art work



Please make sure you follow the rules and be kind and respect others here are some tips:
If you are drawing on the wall split it in half unless its a competition which then you would have to wait till there done
If someone is new ask them "Do you want a tour" if they say yes Great! if they say no not to worry at least you tried
If someone is upset help them say "Whats the matter do you need a chat?" its good to have a chat sometimes it lets out the anger :)


Monday 18 February 2013


This is a picture of me with no citizenship but now I deleted that mask and dress and wings because I am a citizen so I am using citizen stuff while I have citizenship

Updated 25/02/13


Gifts rules

There is a rule I would like to point out when gifting someone please make sure your gifting them because they have won a game or something or your trading if you don't feel safe going first ask them and if they say no thats fine you still got your item and you can trade it somewhere else just watch out for scammers :) xx

Sunday 17 February 2013


Welcome to my blog all about chobots, you can find lots of intresting facts on my blog about chobots but there is lots more to know about and on this blog you will find games,art work,contests and lots of lovely information about me chobots and yourself.... You learn new things everyday ;) xx

my signighture for this blog is -s.s so have fun xx
